Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wood-firing with Visiting Artists

We undertook a wood firing at Telunas Beach with some visiting artists.  Tim is an American artist residing in Bangkok, and John came all the way from Europe.  John had recently built a wood-fired downdraft kiln, but hadn't yet fired it.  John and Tim both did a great job recording the event and Tim has graciously shared the photos below.

September 15, 2016

September 16, 2016

Visited in the morning by a Blue Carpenter Bee.

While John was stoking the kiln during the afternoon, Tim, Paul, and Supriyadi made trimming tools.   

The Finished Trimming Tools

Stoking the Kiln

Pulling out the Test Rings

September 17, 2016

While the kiln was cooling, John and Tim led a pit firing mini-workshop with some high school students visiting from an international school in Singapore.  Below is a pit-fired bottle that John made the day before from the Telunas clay.  

September 18, 2016

Unloading of the Kiln commenced in the afternoon.  

The pit fired pieces were retrieved as well.  

From Left (back row) John Lesondak, Paul Christensen, Tim Mills.
Front Row: Yan and Supriyadi

John with porcelain mug from wood friing.

From Left: Yan, John, Supriyadi.  Exchanging mugs.

Woodfired Tea Bowl by Tim Mills

September 19, 2016

The finished pieces are filled with water and left to sit for 24 hrs to check for leaks.  As it turned out, out of the 120 pieces, only about 10 had to be rejected.  This was one of the best firings we've had so far.

Woodfired mugs made by Paul, Supriyadi, and Yan