Thursday, January 1, 2015

Designing an EcoKiln

In August 2014 I began a new job at a beach resort in the Straits of Malacca as an artist in residence.  Part of my work is to develop an art program at the resort that we can market to school groups, and to use the arts as a platform for community development initiatives reaching out to the local nationals from nearby islands.

The EcoKiln Concept

The plan is to build two kilns - one for glaze research and very small production runs, and a second, larger one to use with school groups.  We are hoping to be able to offer school art classes a chance to learn about and participate in wood-firing techniques.

The small kiln is nearly complete, with just the finishing touches to go on the firebox and heat exchanger.  A heat exchanger is a device that recaptures heat that would otherwise be lost through the chimney, and redirects at least some of it back into the firebox.  In addition to gaining more efficiency, it also cools the smoke and reduces the fire hazard of sparks flying out the chimney.  This is important to us, as the resort is all built from wood.
As I've been researching these devices, I've come across three designs out there that have all contributed, in some way, to the design of the kiln I'm building right now.